Religious Holidays and How They Started


Explore the origins of our most prized holidays and what the scriptures have to say about them. Learn about Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Passover and other holidays. Read with an open mind, test it for yourself, and then make a decision as to what you believe about them.


2 thoughts on “Religious Holidays and How They Started”

  1. It seems every side can see the faults of their opponents, yet never address their own.
    Very few of Christianity has rejected their pagan customs.
    Then when I look at the Messanic view, 1st they’re miles apart from being united.
    When I looked into their view, I find it loaded Pharisee customs valued above the scripture.
    One writer says the Torah is still Valid. He never answers the oblivious missing
    sacrifices and Temple laws.
    I can see the 10 Commandments as being the Royal Law from the way it was
    given in a unforgettable display.
    The rest Moses wrote in a book and placed on side of the ark.
    I can see there is good laws mixed with laws applying to Priests. I have yet to see anyone address this obliviouscounterdiction wihtout stickiing their foot in their mouth.

    1. Sorry for the confusion. This article is just a summary into the category. Within the category there are several articles on various holidays. You can access them through “All Teachings” – “Holidays”. I try to follow the feast days God specified in the scriptures. However, there are other holidays that are Jewish specific, man-made I should say, that I don’t follow. My goal is to find God’s truth, not man’s truth.

      Yes, every group has their own views on things. It doesn’t matter what religion you belong to. That’s why I encourage people to read and study the scriptures for themselves. This way they will know if something lines up or not. I believe the Ten Commandments should be followed. However, like you pointed out, some rules are for the priests and their temple duties. These cannot be followed without a temple. Yet still, it is good to know why these things were put in place. Some are a foreshadow of things that have come and will come. You can read more about the Ten Commandments here: This page will lead you to other articles.

      I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.

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