Shabbat Shalom – Ask God for Understanding – Psalm 119:34

This week’s scripture comes from Psalm 119:34. It says, “Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart.”

Shabbat Shalom - Ask God for Understanding - Psalm 119: 34

This was David speaking to God Almighty. He was another one who was consider a friend of God. Can you guess why? Maybe because his heart was towards God. He wasn’t trying to make God bend to his will. He wanted God to help him bend to God’s will. He wanted to do things God’s way, not his own way.

This is how we get complete shalom – by doing things God’s way. I hope on this Shabbat you learn to cry out like David did, asking God for more understanding so you can keep His Torah and observe it with your whole heart.

Shabbat Shalom,

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