The Autumn Season Brings Us Change


My favorite season is this time right now, the fall time. I enjoy the assortment of colors in the leaves, the slight breeze with a bright sunlight, and the harvest of a variety of fruits and vegetables. I love taking a walk through the park and kicking all the leaves that have fallen to the ground, while listening to the birds. It’s like a symphony is taking place.

by Dreamstime

In every season there is something special to admire and give God thanks for. Sometimes, I feel bad for people who are not able to experience the changing seasons, which provide a glimpse into how God operates. It also shows us that he likes diversity and I for one agree with him.

As we enter into this season we’re leaving behind the fun-filled sunny days of leisure and extreme activity. A lot of changes begin to take place. We begin to slow down a bit and settle into a routine. Life becomes a little less exciting. School starts. Homework begins. Work becomes a little more demanding. Change is in the air.

What better way to learn about change than to look at the autumn season. This season is all about transitioning, going from one state of being to another. We can learn three things about change from this season: (1) there is beauty in change, (2) change is a time of reflection and (3) change brings growth.

There’s Beauty in Change

The first thing it teaches us that change is upon us and it doesn’t have to be rough going. There’s beauty in change. There’s a melody to be heard in change. There are new things to try and fall in love with.

Change doesn’t have to be horrible. I know a lot of people don’t like change, but I believe if they just saw how God does it, they wouldn’t be afraid of it. Look at the leaves. They change slowly. It’s like a rainbow of colors on one leaf. It’s absolutely beautiful.

by Dreamstime

That’s how change should be in our lives – a rainbow of colors. We should embrace the beauty of change and allow it to happen with minimal resistance. There is nothing to fear because for everything there is a season. Besides, all things work together for good to those who love the Lord so embrace change to see the beauty and hear the melody.

Change is a time of Reflection

In order to see the beauty in change we must take an honest look at where we are now and how we got there. The first thing we need to do is recognize the goodness of God. Let’s face it some of us wouldn’t be here if God hadn’t intervene on our behalves. So we must take time to thank him for his goodness.

Next, we should decide what is working for us and what isn’t. What areas are we doing great in? Are there some areas where we are doing the same thing over and over again, yet wanting different results? Are we not doing what we’re supposed to do and know to do, for whatever reason? If we are not pleased in what we discover then changing can be easier than we think.

Finally, we should evaluate the people we hang around. Which person is always complaining or being negative? Which one tries to put you down or discourage you regularly? Which one supports you and encourages you? Which one will be honest with you even if you’re wrong?

Once you’ve separated the goats from the sheep it’s time to send the goats away. The goats are the ones that are no good for you. Surround yourself with those who feed your spirit and mind and you’ll find out that change can be sweet.

Change Brings Growth

Once you’re in the proper mindset you’ll see that change brings development and growth. If no change is taking place, then a thing becomes stagnant. It becomes dull, stale, and lifeless. It doesn’t develop or progress properly. When this happens it’s as if time is standing still.

It’s also like having all those negative people around at one time bombarding you with doubt. This causes us to become stuck as we watch everyone else around us moving forward. This breeds resentment and bitterness. To combat this we need to let go of the negativity and realize that time stops for no one. Everything must change.

Change allows us to move forward to expand our reach while showering us with delightful surprises. Many people have realized that giving in to change was one of the best things they could have done. It has allowed them to enjoy the life God has given them. After all, this is the season of harvest, a time to enjoy our bounty.  

Embrace Change

During this season of change let’s allow God to move in our lives. Let’s go with his flow and relax a little. Let’s stop seeing the horror in change and begin to see the beauty. For things are constantly changing and we should too.

What kind of changes do you need to make? Maybe you need to start telling those in your life how much they mean to you. Maybe you need to unlearn a bad habit and develop a good habit in its place. Maybe it’s time to let go of the past and look toward the future. Whatever it is now is the time to do it.

Why don’t you share with me what it is you’re changing and why?


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