The Days of Noah: A Warning and a Reality


Corruption and Violence in Noah’s Time – Genesis 6:1-13

In the Bible, Noah’s story unfolds in a world overwhelmed by corruption and violence. Everything fallen angels, demi-gods, and humans thought they could do, they did. And since there is nothing new under the sun, you have to realize they were the first to do the most horrendous acts known to mankind and probably some we haven’t come across yet.

All of the rumors we hear about, they did, including DNA splicing. Where do you think mythological creatures come from? Where do you think transgenderism and cloning come from? Because of these activities and more, God had to put a stop to it before no human being was left with His DNA in them. 

Yet, in His mercy, He gave Noah 120 years to build the ark and preach repentance to the people. However, no one took him up on his offer. Instead, they continue to live their lives in utter bliss, thinking Noah was a madman. They chose to continue declining in their spiritual and moral integrity.

When the flood arrived, it was swift and devastating, and the people were unprepared. Only Noah and his family, having heeded God’s instructions, were saved.

The Parallel: The Coming of the Son of Man

Yeshua draws a parallel between the days of Noah and the future return of the Son of Man—His second coming. Just as people in Noah’s time were preoccupied with the routines of daily life, being lovers of themselves, committing unspeakable sins, and being unaware of the approaching judgment, so too will people be unprepared when the Messiah returns. 

His arrival, like the flood, will be sudden and unexpected. And it will be too late for those who have ignored the signs, just as it was too late for the people who refused to listen to Noah.

Days of Noah: A Warning and A Reality

Key Lessons from the Days of Noah

For those who are listening, there are four key lessons we can apply to our lives, so we are not caught off guard. 

1. Preparedness in the Midst of a Distracted World

One of the most pressing lessons is the call for spiritual readiness. In a world filled with distractions and busyness, it’s easy to forget the eternal reality that the Messiah will one day return. As believers, we are urged to remain vigilant, to live in anticipation, and to align our lives with God’s will, knowing that the unexpected can happen at any time. 

Right now, we need to become like Noah. When God asks us to do something we do it, regardless of how it makes us look. We might feel like what He’s asking will make us look like a fool. Appreciate the fact He will take the foolish things to confound the wise. 

We need to stop asking for ten confirmations, stop arguing why He chose us, and stop procrastinating. Instead, we need to learn His voice and immediately do whatever He asks of us. 

Just as Noah was prepared when the flood came, we must be spiritually prepared for the return of our Messiah.

2. Divine Judgment and Mercy 

The story of Noah is a stark reminder of God’s judgment on sin, but it also highlights God’s mercy. Despite the widespread corruption, God spared Noah and his family. In the same way, while the second coming of the Messiah will involve judgment, it also promises mercy for those who are faithful to God. Yeshua’s return offers both a warning and a hope, as it signals the end of suffering for the righteous and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

If you don’t remember anything else, remember this: God is always faithful, loyal, and right on time. 

3. The Urgency of the Gospel

Noah’s ark was a means of salvation for those who entered it, and today, Yeshua is the means of salvation for all who believe in him. The delay in the Messiah’s return should not lead to complacency but should spur us to share the gospel. As Noah preached righteousness while building the ark, we are called to share the message of Yeshua’s love and redemption before it’s too late. Just as the floodwaters came without warning, so will the final judgment be swift. And God doesn’t wish that any should perish so it’s our job to let people know God loves them and wants them to become a part of His family. 

4. The Day of the Lord Will Be a Great and Terrible Day  

The story of Noah reminds us that the day of the Lord will be a time of both great deliverance and profound loss. It will be a day when evil is judged and the faithful are rewarded. While the flood brought destruction and cleansed the earth of all its impurities, it didn’t completely restore the earth. The atmosphere changed. The land mass broke into smaller pieces. Life expectancy drastically reduced. The return of the Messiah offers a final chance for restoration and ultimately a new earth for us. 

Living in Light of the Coming of the Son of Man

In these uncertain times, let us heed the words of Yeshua in Matthew 24:37 and remain alert, prepared, and filled with the hope of His return. It’s time to live with purpose, and to trust in the redemptive power of God. For as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. May we be ready when that day comes.

Love Dawn

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