Yah is a Great God who does Wonderful Things – Psalm 147


Psalm 147 let us know it’s time to praise YHWH for all He is doing in the earth and in our lives. He is healing the brokenhearted, binding up wounds, giving wisdom, giving peace, healing bodies, protecting His people and way too many other things to name. He is in control of everything and has allowed us the opportunity to get to know Him through His words, rulings and laws. HalleluYah!

Psalm 147 - Yahw is a Great God who does wonderful things - www.cswisdom.com

To learn more about this series, read “To Yahweh Be the Glory.”

Yah is a Great God!

Halleluyah! How good it is to sing praises to our God! How sweet, how fitting to praise him! YHWH is rebuilding Yerushalayim, gathering the dispersed of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines how many stars there are and calls them all by name.

Our Lord is great, his power is vast, his wisdom beyond all telling. YHWH sustains the humble but brings the wicked down to the ground.

Sing to YHWH with thanks; sing praises on the lyre to our God. He veils the sky with clouds; he provides the earth with rain; he makes grass grow on the hills; he gives food to the animals, even to the young ravens when they cry.

He takes no delight in the strength of a horse, no pleasure in a runner’s speed. YHWH takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who wait for his grace.

Glorify YHWH, Yerushalayim! Praise your God, Tziyon! For he strengthens the bars of your gates, he blesses your children within you, he brings peace within your borders, he gives you your fill of the finest wheat.

He sends his word out over the earth, his command runs swiftly. Thus he gives snow like wool, scatters hoarfrost like ashes, sends crystals of ice like crumbs of bread – who can withstand such cold? Then he sends his word out and melts them; he makes the winds blow, and the water flows.

He reveals his words to Ya’akov, his laws and rulings to Israel. He has not done this for other nations; they do not know his rulings.


Scripture Reference

Psalms 147



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