Yahweh Rules with Power – Psalm 66


Sometimes, things look bleak for the children of Elohim, but Psalm 66, which was written for the leader as a song and a psalm, was meant to put things in its proper perspective. No matter what happens Elohim is still on the throne. He still controls everything. He still maintains all power.

Yahweh rules with power

In this particular section we see the word “Selah” twice. SELAH (seh’-law ) is a Hebrew word meaning “a musical interlude; to pause and think about what was just said or sung; or to pause and watch for a visual demonstration of what was said or sung.”1 It also means to lift up, exalt.2 The root word of Selah is “Calah” and one of its meanings is “to weigh, balance.”3

When you see Selah you should pause and consider what was said. Weigh its value and determine whether the thing being said is true. Does it balance out in truth? In this case, is Elohim all powerful? Does he really take notice of man and his ways? Consider what is being said. Then make a determination, as to whether you agree or not. Let’s rejoice in our powerful creator.

To learn more about this series, read “To Yahweh Be the Glory.”

Rejoice in Yahweh

We in all the earth shout to you, Elohim!

We sing the glory of your name and make your praise glorious.

We say to you Elohim, “How awesome are your deeds! At your great power, your enemies cringe. All the earth bows down to you, sings praises to you, sings praises to your name.” (Selah)

We come and see what you, Elohim, have done – your awesome dealings with humankind.

You turned the sea into dry land. Our ancestors passed through the river on foot; there we rejoiced in you.

With your power you rule forever; your eyes keep watch on the nations. Let no rebel arise to challenge you.

We and all the peoples bless you, our Elohim! We let the sound of your praise be heard!

Yahweh, you preserve our lives and keeps our feet from stumbling. (Selah)

Scripture Reference

Psalm 66:1-9


1 http://bible.org/question/song-or-psalm-what-does-word-selah-mean
2 http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/kjv/celah.html
3 http://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/kjv/calah.html


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