Yahweh, You are Our Refuge – Psalm 46


Psalm 46 is a song for the leader to be played on the ‘alamoth, which is a high-pitched musical instrument. This song was created by the descendants of Korah. What I like about this song is that it focuses on how Elohim shelters us from all the trouble that goes on around us. It doesn’t matter there is an earthquake or raging seas, He is there to protect us. He is Elohim Most High!

To learn more about this series, read “To Yahweh Be the Glory.”

Psalm 46: The LORD is our refuge

Yahweh, Our Refuge and Strength

Elohim, you are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we are unafraid, even if the earth gives way, even if the mountains tumble into the depths of the sea, even if its waters rage and foam, and mountains shake at its turbulence.

There is a river whose streams gladden your city, Elohim. It is the holy habitation of you, ‘Elyon.

Elohim, you are in the city. It will not be moved when daybreak comes. Elohim, you will help it.

Nations were in turmoil, kingdoms were moved. Your voice thundered forth, and the earth melted away.

Yahweh-Tzva’ot, you are with us. You are our fortress and the Elohim of Jacob. (Selah)

We come and see your works, Yahweh, the astounding deeds you have done on the earth. To the ends of the earth you make wars cease. You break the bow, snap the spear, and burn the shields in the fire.

“Be still and know that I am Elohim, supreme over the nations, supreme over the earth.”

Yahweh-Tzva’ot, you are with us. You are our fortress and the Elohim of Jacob. (Selah)


Scripture Reference

Psalm 46


2 thoughts on “Yahweh, You are Our Refuge – Psalm 46”

  1. Knowing we do have a God who’s adopted us into His falimy through Jesus Christ – that from before time He chose to love us is great comfort – I am in awe. Life can be filled with difficulties and struggles – we do who know God and His Son – have an advocate – have a firm foundation -that Lighthouse that is safety and shows us the way – Thank you for sharing – and for encouraging us to see and to comfort one another – HugsKathy

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